If you have an accident which causes you bodily injury, you can make a claim for payment through your accident insurance using the online form here.
Once you've submitted your claim form online, it will be sent immediately to the claims team at Chubb. You will receive confirmation of your claim submission by email. We recommend you retain this information for your records, or in case you need to make an enquiry about your claim.
A claims handler will then be in touch, and may ask you to provide any additional information required to validate your claim.
You can contact the team at Chubb about your claim, using the details below:
- Telephone: 0345 841 0059
- Email: uk.claims@chubb.com
- Post: Chubb (Claims Dept.), PO Box 682, Winchester, SO23 5AG
If a third party was involved and you wish to make a claim under your public liability insurer, please visit Qover’s website here (this insurance is not provided by Bikmo).
If you want to make a claim under both your accident and liability policies, you can do so by selecting the option to share your claim data with the other insurer, from either claim form.
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